The Dragon represents non-duality and our oneness with each other, the Earth, and God/Creator.
Healing means wholeness, bringing that perceived as separate back into oneness.
The view of separateness and “othering” is the root of our dysfunction – disowning parts of ourselves, turning on each other, and abusing our life-giving Mother Earth.
We are all cells in the same Being, and our ultimate healing as individuals, a species and a planet will come from this knowing.
Psychedelic medicines are one of the most effective tools on the path of healing, wholeness and oneness.
It would be impossible to capture comprehensively the unique ways in which they operate, and we cannot know what will come up during your medicine journey.
We can prepare thoroughly and hone a strong intention for your work. Modalities which dig for the root, like Internal Family Systems and Somatic Therapy, go hand in hand as ideal preparation and integration sessions.
Psychedelics are a powerful aid, but only you have the innate ability to navigate your life in all of its glorious mess and recover your natural state of wholeness.
The Medicine is You.

Mushroom Summer
A 3 Month Group Medicine Container
Sacred Service
Carly O’Rourke
Psychedelic Therapy
Somatic Therapy
Compassionate Inquiry
Internal Family Systems
Hello and welcome! I’m Carly, your friendly Psychedelic Therapist local to Vancouver, BC.
Thank you for checking out my page and the work I do.
My exploration with psychedelic medicines began when I first drank Ayahuasca, receiving insight into the unlimited potential of sacred medicine to heal the mind, body, heart and spirit of their vast wounding – individually and collectively.
I committed to a four-month intensive with Mother Ayahuasca in Peru which later proved to be my initiation to this work.
Home in Canada, I delved into the magical world of psilocybin mushrooms – micro, macro, hero – listening to my Higher Self and Mama Gaia through the ancient wisdom of the mushrooms’ guidance.
Enter 5MeO-DMT, connecting directly within to know my Self as one with God, which is only Love.
I advanced my practice with Gabor Mate’s Compassionate Inquiry, Internal Family Systems Stepping Stones (IFS, parts work), Integrative Somatic Therapy Practice, Phoenix Academy Psychedelic Therapy, Unattached Burdens (entity removal), and Indigenous wisdom. Learning is endless.
I’m proud and humbled to be a harm reduction support worker in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside with Lu’ma Native Housing, appreciating the parallels between the two fields as trauma surfaces in altered states.
Psychedelic Therapy is the most powerful service to humanity’s healing I have to offer. I bow low to the honour of working with sacred medicines and divine beings (you) in the eternal spiral of evolution.